Import Companies Tool

This section will look at the companies tool which lets users import companies to Dolphin.

In this article:

  • Using companies tool
  • Using the Software
  • Validations

Using the companies tool

  1. The tool will accept the same API key which is used for the CRM integration.
  2. The tool will validate the uploaded excel sheet (which is predefined).
  3. Companies cannot be imported without required data.
  4. Clicking on “Upload” will populate the company repository from the data in the selected excel sheet.

Using the Software


Authenticate admin user

  1. Install the tool by downloading through Dolphin settings page.
  2. Go to Program Files and choose Company Uploader. You will be taken to a 4 step wizard.
  3. You will need to enter your current CRM key to continue to step 2.
  4. To get the API key:
  • Login as admin user to your Dolphin 365 account.
  • Go to Settings area.
  • Navigate to Integration section and click CRM Integration Settings and under CRM Integration section find your API key and copy it.

Step 2

Browse data

  1. Get the latest excel template from the server.
  2. Click on Download button.
  3. Choose a folder and type a file name (i.e. Companies.xlsx).
  4. Click Save.
  5. Open the downloaded excel template.

Data requirements are as follows

  • Name: Mandatory, Maximum character length is 250
  • Country: Mandatory, Value from country list
  • State: Mandatory, Value from state list
  • City: Mandatory, Maximum character length is 100
  • Address line 1: Mandatory
  • Address Line 2: Not Mandatory
  • Postal Code: Mandatory, Maximum character length is 50
  • Industry: Not Mandatory, Maximum character length is 100
  • Contact Name: Not Mandatory, Maximum character length is 100
  • Contact Number: Not Mandatory, Maximum character length is 30
  • Email: Not Mandatory, Maximum character length is 100
  • Fax: Not Mandatory, Maximum character length is 30
  • Job title: Not Mandatory, Maximum character length is 30
  • Description: Not Mandatory
  1. To open the excel file data click on Browse button.
  2. Choose the excel sheet and click Open.
  3. If your data is valid then the tool will read it and populate the grid as per the data entered.
  4. Click on Next.

Step 3

Validate data

  1. In step 3 you can check the validity of your data.
  2. To proceed further from step 3, you have to validate your data. To check your data is valid click Validate.
  3. Validity of your data is shown in Status column and if your data is valid you will see success in green if it is not valid you will see a proper error message in red.
  4. You can do any inline changes like add, edit or remove to the entries in this grid. When all the entries are success you will get a message saying Valid data found. Then you can continue to next step.

Step 4

Upload Data

  1. Click upload to start uploading your data to server.
  2. Uploading process may take from seconds to hours based on the amount of your data and if it takes more time the network will give a Time out error and the error will be displayed on the top of the grid. But note that still your data uploading may continue.
  3. You can check the status of your data anytime by clicking check status button.


  1. Companies with existing Company Name in the app cannot be imported.
  2. Companies with same Company Name on the excel sheet cannot be imported (trim and check duplicate values).
  3. Companies cannot be imported without required data.
  4. The tool will show any exception that occur after the upload.
  5. Special character validation same as the app.

See Also:

  • Contract Audit
  • Contract Type